A work permit can be open work permit without any restriction or a permit may have some restrictions regarding employer, job, and place.
- Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW): This program allows foreign nationals to work in Canada for a limited period to fill temporary labour and skill shortages. In order to apply work permit under this program you need a job offer from a Canadian employer and a positive labour market impact assessment (LMIA).
- Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP): The Post Graduation Work Permit allows students who have graduated from eligible Canadian designated learning institutions (DLIs) to obtain an open work permit to work. Skilled Canadian work experience in NOC skill type 0 or skill level A or B that is gained through the PGWPP helps graduates qualify for permanent residence in Canada.
- Caregiver Program: Through Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home support Worker Pilot program, you may be able to apply permanent residence if you meet the eligibility requirements and have a job offer to work in one of these occupations. Through these pilots, you will get an open work permit (occupation restricted) to come to Canada and work temporarily.
- Open Work Permit for Spouse: Spouses of a temporary foreign worker working in a skilled occupation (NOC 0, A, B) and international students may be eligible to apply for an open work permit.
- International Experience Class (IEC): This program allows young foreign nationals aged 18 to 35 years of age to travel and work in Canada for a temporary period of one or two years.